MQL(Minimum Quantity Lubrication) Products


FUCHS PLAN TO MIKRO and ECOCUT MIKRO PLUS are product series which were specially developed for MQL. And practical trials have shown that the optimization of the cutting fluid is what makes Minimum Quantity Lubrication technology economically worthwhile for certain machining operations.

ECOCUT MIKRO PLUS – Fatty alcohol-based MQL

  • Have a lower flashpoint than ester oils of the same viscosity
  • Evaporate relatively easily so that components dry quickly
  • Generate moderate cooling.

Product description

MQL(Minimum Quantity Lubrication) Products


FUCHS PLAN TO MIKRO and ECOCUT MIKRO PLUS are product series which were specially developed for MQL. And practical trials have shown that the optimization of the cutting fluid is what makes Minimum Quantity Lubrication technology economically worthwhile for certain machining operations. Special ester oils and fatty alcohols Lubricants based on special ester oils and fatty alcohols have been shown to be especially suitable for Minimum Quantity Lubrication applications. Special Product Solutions: Minimum Quantity Lubrication (MQL) Products

PLANTO MIKRO – Ester oil-based MQL

  • Have a higher boiling and flashpoint even at lower viscosities
  • Create significantly less vapor
  • Form a thin film on components but nevertheless, feel dry

ECOCUT MIKRO PLUS – Fatty alcohol-based MQL

  • Have a lower flashpoint than ester oils of the same viscosity
  • Evaporate relatively easily so that components dry quickly
  • Generate moderate cooling.


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